пятница, 28 января 2011 г.

REM Sleep Behavior Disorder at Young Age Linked to Antidepressant Use

A Mayo Clinic study has shown that the onset of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD) at a younger age appears to be connected to antidepressant use.
REM Sleep Behavior Disorder is a sleep disorder where patients act out their dreams, which are often unpleasant and violent, according to Maja Tippmann-Peikert, M.D., sleep medicine specialist, neurologist and study investigator. This acting out results from a loss of normal muscle paralysis in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, the dream stage of sleep, which normally prevents enacting one's dreams. RBD patients generally act out their dreams in a defensive posture, as if fending off an attacker, says R. Robert Auger, M.D., Mayo Clinic sleep medicine specialist, psychiatrist and primary investigator. The disorder is often recognized by a bed partner.
Although previously published case reports and a more recently published study have suggested the association between antidepressants and REM Sleep Behavior Disorder, this study represents the first systematic demonstration of the relationship. Findings will be presented June 19 at the Associated Professional Sleep Societies' SLEEP 2006 meeting in Salt Lake City.
"Our findings suggest that REM Sleep Behavior Disorder in younger patients - in the 30s instead of the usual age of the 50s or older - is frequently linked to antidepressant use," says Dr. Auger. "I'd interpret this to mean one of three things: 1) in younger patients, antidepressants can cause REM Sleep Behavior Disorder, or 2) in younger patients, RBD results in psychiatric diagnoses that then result in antidepressant prescriptions, or 3) a common factor is causing both the REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and the psychiatric diagnoses, which in turn results in antidepressant prescriptions. If medications are implicated in a direct manner, it may be an idiosyncratic effect, it could be related to the dose of medication, or the medications simply may be unmasking an underlying predisposition to RBD."
To conduct this study, investigators reviewed records of patients consecutively diagnosed with REM Sleep Behavior Disorder at Mayo Clinic between 2002 and 2005, removing those with neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease or dementia at the time of RBD diagnosis. Twenty patients diagnosed when they were less than 50 years old (average age 34) were age- and gender-matched for comparison to a group of patients without RBD. Equivalent comparisons were performed in patients diagnosed with REM Sleep Behavior Disorder over age 50. After looking at all groups, the investigators found that the younger REM Sleep Behavior Disorder patients were unique with respect to greater use of antidepressants than those without REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (80 percent versus 15 percent use). Antidepressants prescribed for these patients spanned all types: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), venlafaxine, mirtazapine and tricyclic antidepressants. The investigators also found a higher prevalence of females in the early-onset group of RBD (45 percent female) patients than in older-onset RBD (13 percent female). RBD is known to be largely a male disease.
A link between antidepressants and REM Sleep Behavior Disorder is not completely surprising, according to Dr. Auger, as the neurotransmitters affected by these medications are involved in REM sleep regulation, and a recent study shows that they diminish the muscle paralysis associated with normal REM sleep.
Dr. Auger says that due to the retrospective nature of the study, correlation but not direct causality between antidepressants and REM Sleep Behavior Disorder can be inferred.
"From the results of our study, it appears that young-onset REM Sleep Behavior Disorder is frequently associated with antidepressants," says Dr. Auger. "It nevertheless appears to be a relatively rare phenomenon, so I don't think one should hesitate to take an antidepressant based on this particular risk. Physicians should be aware of this potential side effect, however, particularly in patients who complain of sleep disturbances. I'm hoping these findings will create a greater awareness, as practitioners generally would not link medications with RBD."
There are no treatments available for those prescribed antidepressants to prevent them from later developing REM Sleep Behavior Disorder, but the condition is generally quite treatable once identified, he says. It is uncertain whether this younger group of patients possesses the same risk of developing a neurodegenerative disease later in life, as has been described in previous studies involving patients with older-onset REM Sleep Behavior Disorder.

вторник, 25 января 2011 г.

Tips for Women and Men in Search of a Good Night's Sleep

Good Sleep
For many women, it's tough to get a good night's sleep. Studies show that women may be 20 percent to 50 percent more likely to have insomnia than men.
One culprit behind women's sleep difficulties can be fluctuating hormone levels. With optimal levels of estrogen and progesterone in your system, the time it takes to fall asleep and the number of awakenings during the night decrease. But hormone fluctuations occur for many reasons, including monthly menstrual cycles, use of birth control pills, pregnancy, and perimenopause - the five to 10 years before and up to one year after menstrual periods end.
If you find yourself tossing and turning at night, simple changes in your daily and nightly habits may result in better sleep. The January issue of Mayo Clinic Women's HealthSource offers these suggestions:
  • Caffeine: Limit it. In addition to the usual sources - coffee, tea and soda - be aware of caffeine in chocolate and in medications used to treat headaches, colds and sinus congestion.

  • Nicotine: Nicotine impairs the ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.

  • Alcohol: Even though drinking alcohol may make it easier to fall asleep, as few as one or two drinks within two hours of bedtime tend to disrupt your sleep and lead to more frequent awakening in the latter half of the night.

  • Inactivity: Lack of physical activity during the day is associated with increased sleep problems. But strenuous exercise too close to bedtime may make it more difficult to fall asleep.

  • Large meals: Eating too much close to bedtime may make falling asleep and staying asleep more difficult.

  • Naps: Naps can make it harder to fall asleep at night. If you can't get by without one, limit it to less than 30 minutes.
If self-treatment strategies don't help, ask your doctor for help. Sleep difficulties can be related to a number of medical conditions.

пятница, 21 января 2011 г.

Sleep Aids Impair Cognition and Balance in Adults

Adults who take the popular sleep aid zolpidem may be at greater risk for loss of balance leading to falls and cognitive impairment according to new research by the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Zolpidem is marketed under such brand names as Ambien, Zolpimist, Edluar, Hypogen, Somidem, and the buy Zolpidem.
The study, conducted by Associate Professor Kenneth Wright, involved 25 healthy adults who took zolpidem and then awakened after only two hours of sleep. The team measured balance using a technique known as a “tandem walk” in which subjects place one foot in front of the other with a normal step length on a 16-foot-long, six-inch-wide beam on the floor. All participants were provided with stabilizing assistance to prevent falls during the trials.
The participants also underwent computerized performance tests of cognition.
Prior to taking the sleep aid, the participants walked the beam with no loss of balance. However, after taking zolpidem, older adults were more than twice as likely to have balance issues compared to when they were tested after taking a placebo.
The researchers also noted a significant impairment to cognition after taking zolpidem. Waking two hours after taking sleep aids enhances “sleep inertia” or grogginess that temporarily impairs working memory and decision-making, especially important if someone is awakened in the middle of the night due to fire alarm or a family member having a medical emergency.
Unexpectedly, this study shows that cognition impairments due to sleep inertia impacted younger people more so than older adults. This could be due to the dosage used for the study, explains Wright. The normal dose for older adults (and the dose used in the trial) is 5 milligrams. The usual dose for a younger person is 10 milligrams.
The findings are important because falls are the leading cause of injury in older adults, and 30 percent of adults 65 and older who fall require hospitalization each year, said Wright, lead study author.
"This suggests to us that sleep medication produces significant safety risks," says Wright, who emphasizes that the authors are not suggesting that sleep medications not be used, but that adults and health care workers should be educated about the potential problems.

понедельник, 17 января 2011 г.

Surgery for Child Apnea Leads to Weight Gain

Sleep Apnea

A study by a University at Buffalo pediatric researcher investigating the causes of weight gain in children after they have their tonsils and adenoids removed to treat sleep-disordered breathing has shown that removing these tissues results in less fidgeting and other non-exercise motor activity.
This reduction in motor activity left an excess of calories, findings showed, resulting in an average 13 percent increase in excess weight based on participants' age, sex and height.
Results of the study appear in the February 2006 issue of the journal Pediatrics.
"To our knowledge, the current study is the first to demonstrate a significant reduction in sleep, waking and total daily motor activity in children with obstructed sleep-disordered breathing after removing the tonsils and adenoids, and the association of reductions in total daily motor activity with increases in the percent overweight in children, said James N. Roemmich, M.D., first author on the study.
Roemmich is an assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics, UB School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and in the Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, UB School of Public Health and Health Professions.
All children in the study underwent the surgery because they had enlarged adenoids, which can cause obstructive sleep-disordered breathing (OSDB).
In these young participants, weight gain as a result of removing the adenoids and tonsils to relieve breathing problems could create a vicious cycle.
"Weight gain in these children is a concern," said Roemmich. "Obesity may be a primary cause of OSDB, so additional weight gain may lead to a reoccurrence of obstructed breathing during sleep in spite of the surgery."
The study involved 54 children between the ages of 6 and 12 who were admitted to the University of Virginia's General Clinical Research Center, with which Roemmich was affiliated at the time.
The participants were assessed before surgery and at an average of 12.6 months post-surgery. Height, weight, body-mass index and percent overweight were determined.
During an overnight stay at the clinic, a number of measurements were taken to determine each child's behavior during sleep. Parents completed questionnaires on their child's snoring frequency and the amount of hyperactivity.
A subset of children wore a small motion monitor to log total amount of activity on their wrists for seven days and nights.
Roemmich said there may be several reasons for the children's reduction in energy expenditure and their subsequent weight gain.
"OSDB causes children to awake many times throughout the night, resulting in poor sleep quality," said Roemmich. "There is evidence that inadequate or poor sleep is related to hyperactivity in youth. Perhaps sleepy kids are more agitated and have a difficult time attending to tasks. Improved sleep may reduce hyperactivity, which in turn would result in less energy expenditure during the day.
"In addition, sleep energy expenditure in children with obstructed breathing has been reported to decrease by 5 calories per kilogram of body weight after tonsils and adenoids are removed as a result of the decreased work of breathing," said Roemmich. "So the reduction in fidgeting over the entire 24-hours could shift energy balance enough to cause excessive weight gain."
Further studies on activity and weight changes after removal of the tonsils and adenoids may provide a basis for developing diets and exercise plans for these children, he said.

вторник, 11 января 2011 г.

Risk Factors For Developing Complications From Sleep Apnea Surgery

Sleep Apnea Surgery

Patients undergoing surgery to correct sleep apnea are more likely to have complications if their condition is severe, they have a high body mass index, they have other medical problems or they are undergoing certain other surgical procedures at the same time, according to a report in the October issue of Archives of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.
Individuals with sleep apnea repeatedly stop breathing during the night due to upper airway obstruction, according to background information in the article. Sleep apnea contributes to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, poor quality of life and death. A procedure known as uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), during which surgeons remove the uvula and other soft tissues at the back of the throat to help clear the airway, is the most common operation performed to alleviate sleep apnea. About 1.6 percent of all patients undergoing such procedures have serious complications, including .2 percent who die within 30 days. Previous reports about the risk factors for complications have been conflicting.
Eric J. Kezirian, M.D., M.P.H., University of California, San Francisco, and colleagues studied 3,130 consecutive adults (97 percent men, average age 50) in patients who underwent UPPP between 1991 and 2001 at the United States Veterans Affairs medical centers. The researchers gathered data about participants' surgeries and characteristics from medical records. Data on body mass index (BMI), other illnesses and the severity of sleep apnea was collected from medical charts for a smaller group of patients, including all 51 (1.6 percent) of the original group who had serious complications and 212 others who did not have serious complications but were the same sex and age, had the same number of procedures performed at the same time and had surgery the same year as those who did.
In the larger group of 3,130 patients, those who had more severe sleep apnea, who had additional non-nasal surgeries at the same time and had other medical conditions were more likely to have serious complications following surgery. For each additional illness besides sleep apnea that a patient had, his or her risk for complications almost doubled. In the smaller group of patients, more severe sleep apnea, higher body mass index and the presence of other illnesses were associated with a higher risk for complications when they were all considered together. However, based on the small number of participants with complications, the researchers could not determine if each was an risk factor on its own. Having retrolingual surgery (certain procedures involving the tongue, epiglottis or jaw) at the same time as UPPP was independently associated with having complications following the operation. Lowest oxygen saturation, a measure of how much oxygen red blood cells are carrying, also was not associated with complications.